Your Guide to Solo Traveling in 2024

Asha Crocker
Girl smiling on the beach

Your Guide to Solo Traveling in 2023

Are you itching for an adventure but don’t have anyone to go with? Don’t worry, solo traveling is the way to go! Whether you’re in your 20s or 30s, there’s no better time to explore the world on your own terms.
Young woman solo traveling

Is Solo Travel Lonely?

One of the biggest concerns for people considering solo travel is whether or not it will be lonely. It can be at times, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.  Solo travel forces you out of your comfort zone and encourages you to meet new people and try new things. Plus, there’s something liberating about being on your own and forging your own path.
One way to overcome your travel blues is to join a walking tour.  In most cities, there are almost always free walking tours.  These tours are chock full of solo travelers eager to meet one another. While you’re waiting for the tour to begin try introducing yourself to others, who knows? Maybe you’ll get a lunch buddy out of it.

Solo Traveling for Women

If you’re a woman considering solo travel, don’t be discouraged by safety concerns. While it’s always important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions, there are plenty of resources available to help female solo travelers stay safe. Consider staying in female-only hostels or booking accommodations in safer neighborhoods. And don’t forget to trust your gut – if something feels off, it’s okay to say no and remove yourself from the situation.
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Solo Traveling Tips for Everyone

  • Do your research: Before you go, research your destination thoroughly. Learn about the local customs, language, currency, and any safety concerns. Make sure you have all the necessary documents and vaccinations.
  • Pack light: When traveling solo, you are solely responsible for carrying your luggage. Pack only what you need and try to keep it light. Consider investing in a good quality backpack or suitcase that is easy to carry.
  • Stay connected: Make sure you have a way to stay connected with friends and family back home. Consider purchasing a local SIM card or using a messaging app to stay in touch.
  • Be flexible: One of the great things about solo travel is the freedom to go wherever you want, whenever you want. Don’t be afraid to change your plans if something better comes up.
  • Meet locals: One of the best ways to immerse yourself in a new culture is to meet locals. Consider staying in a hostel or guesthouse where you can meet other travelers and locals. Join a local tour or take a class in something you’re interested in to meet people with similar interests.
  • Stay safe: While solo travel can be incredibly safe, it’s important to take precautions. Always be aware of your surroundings and avoid walking alone at night in unfamiliar areas. Keep your valuables locked up and never leave them unattended.
  • Take care of yourself: Solo travel can be tiring, both physically and mentally. Make sure you take time to rest and recharge. Listen to your body and don’t push yourself too hard.
  • Have fun: Solo travel can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Embrace the freedom and enjoy every moment!


In addition, we highly recommend downloading an offline map of your destination onto Google Maps.  On the occasion that you happen to lose internet connection, you still have access to directions.  To do so, type in your location, then click ‘more,’ and select ‘download offline map.’ And the next time you open the Google Maps app, you will have access to directions in your city regardless of your internet connection or lack thereof.

Why you should consider staying in a hostel

Another tip for solo travel is to stay in a hostel.  Staying at a hostel can be a great option for budget-conscious travelers who are looking to meet new people and experience a new city or country.

Digital Nomad Hostel San Diego

Whether you’re in search of a good party hostel or a hostel designed for digital nomads, there is a hostel experience just for you.  However, please research the hostel before booking, read reviews, and check out the hostel’s website and social media pages to get a sense of the atmosphere, amenities, and location.

Hostelworld is the great site to compare and contrast different hostel-stays, and you’re likely to get the best prices.


Solo Travel Groups

Solo travel groups are communities of travelers who prefer to travel alone, but also want to connect with like-minded individuals during their trip.  Joining a solo travel group allows you to share your travel experiences with others who understand the joys and challenges of traveling alone.  In addition, many solo travel groups organize group activities, such as tours, dinners, and outings, which can be more fun and less intimidating when done with a group.


The Nomad Club here at ITH Hostels offers an affordable, flexible, exciting way to see several California locations.  This feature allows you to pay a monthly rate (more months = cheaper) and you can stay at any ITH location you want throughout while your pass is valid. You can only stay 14 nights per month at each location.

Here are some other popular solo travel groups:  Solo Travel Society, Girls LOVE Travel, and Traveling Spoon.

Solo Traveling Destinations


Europe is always a good bet for solo travelers. With its well-established transportation systems and relatively safe cities, it’s easy to get around and explore on your own. Try backpacking through Eastern Europe, visiting charming towns and historic landmarks along the way. Or head to Spain and Portugal for some sunshine, tapas, and beach time.


If you’re feeling more adventurous, consider heading to Southeast Asia. Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia are all great options for solo travelers, with stunning landscapes, delicious food, and a vibrant backpacking culture. Don’t be afraid to join a solo traveling group in these countries to meet fellow travelers and make new friends.

Costa Rica

A wonderful eco-destination in its own right, explore La Fortuna de San Carlos if you’d feel more comfortable around English speakers, Santa Teresa west of San Jose, or Playa Carmen in the South if you’re looking to meet fellow Americans.  Costa Rica is the safest and friendliest country in Central America, although it certainly helps to speak a little Spanish.  As one of the greenest countries in the world, Costa Rica is the perfect spot for those interested in hiking volcanoes, surfing, seeing endemic birds, and colorful tree frogs.


Solo travel in the US


Like Costa Rica, Hawaii is an obvious haven for wildlife and outdoors enthusiasts.  As a hub for friendly hostels and surf spots, Hawaii is the perfect spot to take advantage of co-living spaces.  Most people will start with Honolulu.  As the capital city, its rich history, beautiful beaches, and delicious Poke will leave you wanting more.  If golf is more your thing, head over to Maui for some of the best spots.  With 14 luxurious courses, you’ll feel like one of the pros when teeing off at The Plantation Course.

Joshua Tree

If you’re into exploring the desert, climbing, and camping under the clear sky at night, Joshua Tree is a must see destination.  I can’t think of a better spot to do a social detox and unplug for a weekend.  Our Coyote Ranch Hostel in Joshua Tree is the perfect stay for those in search of a peaceful atmosphere in the desert.  While you’re there, Skull Rock and Arch Rock are must sees.

San Diego

In search of the perfect SoCal getaway? San Diego is bound to be a hit.  Ditch the tourists and traffic in LA, and head south for the surfer filled beaches of Pacific Beach or La Jolla.  Balboa Park‘s shops and greenery create the perfect atmosphere for an afternoon stroll.  Nowhere else in the U.S. do you get to end each and every day with a perfect sunset that makes you rethink your entire life–hence why you should go it alone.  We’re biased, but the Beach Bungalow Hostel in Pacific Beach, Backpacker Hostel in Mission Beach, or the Adventure Hostel in Little Italy are always great spots to crash.

So, what does solo traveling teach you?

Solo traveling can teach you many things, including:

  • Independence and self-reliance:  When you travel alone, you have to make all the decisions and take care of yourself. This can help you develop confidence and self-reliance and learn to trust your own judgement.
  • Adaptability:   Traveling alone can also teach you to be flexible and adapt to new situations. You may have to change your plans at the last minute or navigate unexpected challenges, but by doing so, you’ll develop problem-solving skills and the ability to think on your feet.
  • Introspection:  Being alone in a new environment can give you the opportunity to reflect on your life, your values, and your goals. You may also discover new interests or passions and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.
  • Social skills:  Traveling solo can also help you improve your social skills, as you’ll be more likely to meet new people and interact with locals. This can be a great way to expand your social circle and learn about different cultures.
  • Confidence:  Finally, solo traveling can help you build confidence and a sense of accomplishment. By overcoming challenges and achieving your goals on your own, you’ll feel more capable and empowered in other areas of your life as well.

In conclusion, solo traveling is an amazing opportunity for those who want to explore the world and discover new things about themselves. Whether you’re backpacking through Europe, lounging on a beach in Southeast Asia, or joining a solo traveling group, there’s no shortage of adventures to be had. So pack your bags, book that ticket, and get ready for the trip of a lifetime!



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