Moving To San Diego? 5 Tips for Getting Settled Into A Great Neighborhood

September 18, 2023

1. Be A Neighborhood Hopper.
Hang out in all neighborhoods and experience what fits you. Are you artistic or more of a beach lover? Do you like the urban conveniences of living in a downtown location, or do you like spaces that have nature easily accessible? San Diego has living accommodations for any type of place you are looking for, but you have to get out there and find it. It is a large city, so it is up to you to explore it and find where you can see yourself connecting to the local community. Try eating at some places at the beach, near the park, downtown, to start narrowing down your search. There is no wrong answer, just be honest with yourself, what you need and value in your daily life, and what you can visit and have access to less frequently.

2. Get Working.
Find a quick job or two and don’t be picky, aim for one with flexible hours that is close to where you live. There are so many awesome local businesses, San Diego is a city made of neighborhoods. Take a walk, talk to a local and see who is currently accepting applications. You will most likely find a few, someone is always hiring in this bustling city.

3. Get Buzzed.
Hang out in the local coffee shops. Along with ingesting gourmet roasts and blends provided by connoisseurs, you will also be exposed to an excellent sampling of San Diego residents. You can sit, pull out your laptop and appear busy when in reality, this is a great opportunity to listen to the people and their viewpoints for whichever neighborhood you have plopped yourself into. Get a feel as you sit there sipping your latte, do you feel the vibe? Can you picture yourself coming to this place, do you feel comfortable and at ease with this crowd or not? In this coffee town culture, there is no better place to sit and soak up the local lifestyle than at the local coffee shops.

4. Start A Conversation.
Socialize and attend local community events. Be aware of your surroundings. When you are walking around, notice what posters are up, what billboards are saying, so that you stay informed on what events are happening around town. Talking to locals gives you the insider track on finding out realistic ways to make money and meet people. Who knows, you might even talk to someone that knows of a place to live. Keep your options open by being open and learning from others. This is a friendly place, you will find someone to talk to.

5. Affordable Life, Affords for More FUN.
Find a place that is affordable so you have money to have fun. The whole point of moving here is to be able to experience this fantastic city with access to beaches, mountains, and a downtown urban culture. Don’t let your rent become your reason for living, there is so much to see and do in this everchanging city. Be realistic about why you are here, what you want to tap into and where you want to spend your time. That way, San Diego can be the place you dreamed of moving to. A fun, beautiful and diverse place for you to live and explore.
