Hostels are the future of travel. This is why:
“I just booked a room at a hostel. Will it be full of strangers?”
This thought has become a common question among travelers who have not ever stayed in a hostel. Let’s be real: hostels have developed a certain reputation. At least, here in the United States, people often see hostels as something they are not.
Largely unfounded and in ways formed from the Hollywood interpretations of what it means to stay in a hostel, this reputation could not be further from the truth. We’re here to debunk the myths of staying in a hostel and help shed light on some of the many amazing attributes that they offer guests.
That Room Full of Strangers
For starters, when you book a room in a hostel, you will be staying in a room full of strangers. But that’s the beauty of it!
Not only does this dynamic of shared living offer you an opportunity to share a space with someone new, but it also presents an immediate opportunity to meet new people. While we all value privacy, this is not something you will receive in a hotel or bed and breakfast. In fact, many who have come through our hostel have expressed their deep appreciation for this distinct difference, and swear they only stay in hostels while traveling.
Many of those folks will also be quick to tell you that they have formed some incredible friendships and special bonds with people at the hostel. More than a few will tell you that they still keep in contact with a few, even if that person is living on the other side of the globe. But that then gives you the unique opportunity to expand your social network overseas. This is an untapped aspect of staying in hostels and remains one of its most valuable traits.
That connection could come from someone staying in the same room and starting a conversation by simply saying hello. Or, you might be the one who initiates conversation with someone over breakfast, and later find yourself hanging out with that person, exploring the town, or trying something new. This is a regular occurrence in hostels. People come to hostels to meet other people. Being open to conversation is one of the quickest ways to make new friends at hostels.
That Sense of Community in the Future of Travel
By nature, hostels thrive on community as much as they rely on it. Without a sense of community, the space you share at a hostel would end up in disarray. Staying in hostels means your space is our space.
This means doing your dishes when you’re finished eating. It means being quiet in the common areas during early morning hours or late into the night. Most of all, it means respecting the space that serves more than just you.
It’s easy to sound cliche or come off as being idealistic when describing the life of living in a hostel. But even if your stay is just a single night, you’ll quickly be shown why it is so important to respect, take care of, and appreciate the space. Beyond the space, it is about the people. You’re apt to find like-minded people and those who share similar outlooks on life. Maybe one of those strangers you were worried about sleeping next to could end up being one of your lifelong friends. For some, they’ve even found their future spouses or partners at a hostel.
Open Up Your World to the Future of Travel
The world is huge, and staying at a hostel is one of the most unique ways of exploring that world, while also keeping it small. Sometimes, the stimulation of staying in a hostel can be so intense that you don’t even have to step foot off the property to have a life-changing conversation or startling realization.
Most of all, we encourage adventurous spirits and new travelers alike to stay at a hostel. Book a room for one night, and see if it is for you. Those hotels and bed and breakfasts will always be there. But the people you might meet in a hostel will not always be there.
The Future of Travel is Budget Friendly
Best of all, hostels are an inexpensive way to travel. Keeping your expenses down on accommodations means doing unique and adventurous activities like scuba diving, sailing, surfing, or climbing. Take that extra cash you saved by not booking a major hotel and treat yourself to a nice meal. Or, use that leftover cash to book a train or bus ticket somewhere near your hostel and truly get to explore the area like a local!
Of course, when you’re looking at hostels, consider checking out our various options around California and Mexico. We love to host new travelers and those who have never stayed in a hostel before! We also offer a free pancake breakfast, and discounts on extended stays.
Want to see what hostels are all about? Watch this video on the future of travel!