Hostels for People in Their 30s: Experience with Private Rooms

Ali Sullivan
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Experience the comfort and community of hostels designed for travelers in their 30s. Find out how hostels feature private rooms for the perfect blend of social atmosphere and personal space during your travels.


So you think 30 is too old for a hostel? Think again! Staying at hostels can be a fantastic option for people in their thirties. While hostels are often associated with young backpackers, many now cater to a broader age range, including those who prefer a bit more comfort and privacy. One great perk? Private rooms. These gems offer the best of both worlds: the hostel atmosphere combined with the personal space of your own quarters.


For travelers in their thirties, hostels with private rooms provide a comfortable retreat after a day of exploring. They offer a chance to unwind without sacrificing the social aspect that makes hostels so appealing. Imagine having your own cozy space to relax, recharge, and reflect on your adventures, all while knowing you can step out and join fellow travelers whenever you choose. It’s reality, it’s all in the balance! 


In this article, we’ll explain that hostels aren’t just for young backpackers and that hostels for people in their thirties are more popular now than ever! 


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Why Hostels in Your 30s?

Choosing to stay at hostels in your thirties brings several perks that make it a wise choice for travelers of all ages. Firstly, they offer budget-friendly accommodations without skimping on comfort. Whether you prefer a private room or a shared dorm, hostels provide affordable options.

Secondly, hostels are hubs of social interaction where you can connect with like-minded travelers from around the globe. Despite their reputation among young backpackers, hostels welcome guests of all ages, making them ideal for thirty-somethings and even older travelers who enjoy meeting new people.

Furthermore, hostels have upgraded their amenities to cater to a broader audience. You’ll find private rooms with often en-suite bathrooms, ensuring a more relaxed and personalized stay. This evolution makes hostels a practical choice for those seeking a blend of community and comfort while exploring the world.


Benefits of Private Rooms

Opting for a private room in hostels offers a range of advantages for travelers seeking a balance of affordability and comfort. 


Privacy: Enjoy personal space and security, ensuring uninterrupted relaxation.

Comfort: Experience comfort comparable to budget hotels with cozy beds and clean amenities.

Noise Reduction: Escape the hustle of dormitories for a quieter environment conducive to restful nights.

hostel private room for people in their 30s

Key Features to Look for in Hostels for People in Their 30s

Choosing a hostel in your thirties involves considering these key features to ensure a pleasant and hassle-free travel experience. By prioritizing and doing your research, you can find a hostel that aligns with your needs and enhances your adventures. Consider factors such as:


Location: Opt for hostels that are centrally located or situated near public transportation hubs and attractions. This ensures easy access to explore the city or region while saving time on long commutes.

Facilities: Look for hostels that offer amenities such as reliable Wi-Fi for staying connected, air conditioning or heating, and private bathrooms in rooms or accessible options. These amenities enhance convenience and ensure a comfortable stay.

Reviews: Prioritize hostels with positive online reviews from fellow travelers. Reviews provide insights into the hostel’s cleanliness, safety, hospitality and offer valuable firsthand experiences that help gauge whether the hostel meets your expectations.


Tips for Booking Hostels in Your 30s

But wait, there’s more! Before we sign off, here are some more tips for those in their thirties looking to stay in a hostel:


Research: Utilize platforms like Hostelworld,, and TripAdvisor to compare hostel options, read reviews, and check ratings for an informed decision.

Flexibility: Stay open to different types of hostels—whether boutique, eco-friendly, or traditional—and consider various locations within your destination for the best fit.

Preparation: Pack essentials such as earplugs, a sleep mask, a towel (if not provided), and personal toiletries to enhance comfort during your stay.

Social Spaces: Look for hostels with inviting common areas, such as lounges or rooftop terraces, where you can relax, meet fellow travelers, and enjoy the hostel’s community atmosphere.

Safety and Security: For peace of mind during your stay, prioritize hostels with secure lockers, well-lit corridors, and 24-hour reception.


So, next time you plan a trip, consider shaking off the misconception that hostels are only for the young. Embrace the versatility and affordability they offer, especially with the option of private rooms. ITH offers private rooms at all of their locations in California and Mexico







Hostels for people in their 30s

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